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Research Seminars

Participation in research seminars organised by the different research groups, in which the results obtained in the different lines of research linked to the programme are discussed. PhD students will be able to participate in this activity from their admission to the programme with a dedication of 21 hours over 3 years for full-time students and 5 years for part-time students. The estimated time for each seminar will be 3 hours/seminar, so the PhD student must participate in at least 7 seminars during the years of his/her participation in the PhD programme.

Online - Campus Virtual
Presentation date

Person Responsible or teaching and and Assessment

Dra. María del Mar Martínez Senac

  • Head of Teaching
PhD students will have didactic material and associated tasks on different topics of interest for the lines of research of the PhD Programme included in different seminars at at their disposal, through the virtual campus platform. For each seminar, analysis and synthesis exercises will be programmed for the students to develop individually, with the aim of reinforcing their critical and written expression skills.
  1. Students have access to the teaching material and tasks of the seminars proposed by the PhD Programme in Health Sciences related to the areas of Medical Sciences, Nutrition and Food Technology, through the virtual campus platform.
  2. Seminars can be carried out at the student's convenience (the deadline for the activities is established in the yearly calendar proposed by EIDUCAM).
  3. For each seminar, the student must watch the video lecture and the presentation. After that, he/she will have to complete two tasks on the Virtual Campus:
    • A multiple-choice questionnaire. Once completed and submitted, the correction is done automatically and if all answers are correct (students have 5 attempts to get it right), students are allowed access to the next task.
    • Write a PDF report on the content of the seminar and include it in the corresponding assignment. The report will consist of an abstract of 600 words (approximately) and must include at least three bibliographical references (according to Vancouver style) related to the area of study of the seminar.
  4. The person in charge of the activity will correct the reports and grade them as a Pass or a Fail. If the grade of the report is Fail, the student will have to make the indicated corrections and resubmit the report before the submission deadline (unlimited resubmissions).
  5. Upon completion of the evaluation, a certificate will be issued for each passed seminar. The student must upload this certificate to the corresponding activity on LAUREA, which must be validated by his/her tutor.
  6. Students who have taken seminars outside the PhD programme must upload the corresponding certificates to LAUREA. Said certificates will be validated by their tutor.
The activity may be passed if the student holds either the DEA title (Research Proficiency) or PhD degree. Therefore, the corresponding certificates must be uploaded on LAUREA ACADEMIC, and the tutor will evaluate and validate them if necessary.

Seminarios de Programa

Bloque I

  • Brócoli. Beneficios de su consumo
  • Desarrollo de una Tecnología de microarrays en disco compacto para el análisis de alérgenos en alimentos
  • Dieta y cáncer
  • Disipación y efectos de nuevos fungicidas sobre la fermentación y calidad de vinos tintos de Monastrell
  • Efecto del procesado sobre las características composicionales, bioquímicas y sensoriales del lomo y el jamón curado de chato murciano
  • Efectos beneficiosos de los ácidos grasos Omega 3 en la salud
  • Estrés oxidativo y antioxidantes
  • Estudios de Farmacocinética y Metabolismo
  • Intervención dietética en la obesidad
  • Los “antioxidantes” y sus propiedades saludables
  • Métodos para calcular constantes complejación con ciclodextrinas
  • Nuevas bebidas funcionales enriquecidas en fitoquímicos bioactivos: aplicaciones nutricionales en la salud
  • Uso de ciclodextrinas para mejorar la recuperación y estabilidad de compuestos bioactivos procedentes de subproductos derivados de la elaboración del vino y del aceite
  • Utilización de extractos naturales para la conservación de alimentos
  • Bloque II

  • Aplicación de la Química Computacional para predecir errores genéticos
  • Aspectos básicos del diseño de la investigación cuantitativa
  • Aspectos morfológicos y moleculares del cáncer colorrectal
  • Bioética
  • Biomateriales y regeneración ósea. Conceptos básicos y aplicaciones
  • Cronobiometría: El análisis de los ritmos
  • Ejercicio físico como terapia
  • El proceso de Duelo en el ámbito sanitario
  • Enfermedad, sufrimiento y muerte: Necesidades al final de la vida
  • Ética en la investigación
  • La Integración de la Evidencia Empírica a través del Meta-Análisis
  • Metodologías computacionales para el descubrimiento de compuestos bioactivos
  • Perfiles moleculares para guiar el tratamiento antineoplásico en Oncología
  • Psicogeriatría: Alzheimer y otras Demencias
  • Sobre los momentos en la investigación cualitativa. Perspectivas hermenéuticas: Del enfoque etnográfico al fenomenológico
  • ¿Qué conoces sobre la resistencia a los antibióticos?
  • Bloque III

  • Active Biopeptides from Spanish dry-cured ham: From in vivo to in vitro
  • Big Data in Health Sciences: Overview of the current situation and challenges
  • Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. From basic concept to clinical application
  • Biotechnological perspectives on the evaluation of invasive marine seaweed
  • Computational methodologies for the discovery of bioactive compounds
  • GUT-HOST Complex Communication Network to Regulate Energy Homeostasis: Effects of Plant Bioactive Products
  • Molecular targeted therapy: Present and future of monoclonal antibodies
  • NAD+ homeostasis in health and disease
  • New Cell Therapies
  • New materials in oral implantology
  • Oxidation, pathologies and aging
  • Phytochemical compounds as antimicrobial and anti-Quorum Sensing inhibitors: Their implications in human health
  • Pulsed light technology applied to Health Sciences
  • Using Cell Culture and Molecular Biology in Biomedical Research: Alternative methods, applications and UCAM facilities