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NAD+ homeostasis in health and disease

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and its reduced form (NADH) are essential metabolites for a wide variety of electron exchange-dependent reactions, in which they act as metabolic cofactors. Apart from this known function, NAD+ also acts as a substrate for a number of key protein families that control most major biological processes in cells; from metabolism, aging or cell death, to DNA repair and gene expression.

The cellular pool of NAD+ is carefully maintained through the dynamic balance between its breakdown by NAD+-consuming enzymes and its synthesis and salvage. The alteration of this fine regulation leads to a depletion of NAD+ levels, which has been observed in several pathological conditions. This relationship between decreased NAD+ levels and disease has attracted the attention to NAD+ replenishment strategies as potential therapeutic avenues in recent years.

In this talk, I will provide an overview of human diseases caused by dysregulations in NAD+ metabolism, and how we can use NAD+-enhancing molecules to alleviate their outcomes. Finally, I will introduce a new NAD+ enhancer that we have recently identified.

Online - Campus Virtual
3 horas
Fecha límite subida

Responsable de evaluación e impartición

Dr. Rubén Zapata Pérez

  • Responsable de impartición

Dra. María del Mar Martínez Senac

  • Responsable de evaluación
  1. There is access to these seminars through Portal del Doctorando, activity Seminarios de Investigación (Research seminars). There are three blocks (Ciencias Médicas - Medical Sciences, Nutrición y Tecnología Alimentaria- Nutrition and Food technology, and Inglés- English language) to choose seven seminars from any of these three blocks.
  2. Seminars could be carried out at any time (before the deadline stablished by EIDUCAM).
  3. For each seminar, students must view the recording and the PDF presentation. After this, two tasks must be accomplished:
    • A test questionnaire. Once it is filled in and sent, it will be corrected automatically. Only if all the questions are answered correctly (there will be five attempts to achieve it), there will be acces to the next task.
    • Write and submit a report in PDF format about the content of the seminar. This report will consist in an aproximately 600 words summary and must include three bibliographic references (as Vancouver or APA Recommendations) related to the Seminar subject area.
  4. The responsible person of this activity will correct the report and qualification (0/10, if failed or 10/10 if pass) will be published. If it is failed, the student must read the observations, repeat the report and sent it again before the deadline (unlimited sending).
  5. Once the evaluation is finished, a certificate will be sent for each passed seminar. The student must load the certificate to the corresponding activity in LAUREA, and it will be validated by his/her tutor.