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The construction of the Contact Improvisation style, an expressive modality between martial arts and dance

The influence of Aikido and the possible relations of Chinese martial arts such as Taijiquan-Tuishou on the practice of Contact Improvisation (CI). A journey through the history of three disciplines: CI, Aikido and Taichi. Understanding the need to interconnect the knowledge of the tradition for its different applications.

Online - Campus Virtual
3 horas
Fecha límite subida

Responsable de evaluación e impartición

Dr. Sebastián Gómez Lozano

  • Responsible teacher

Dr. Luis Manuel Martínez Aranda

  • Person Responsible for Assessment

Submission of a written report of no more than 1,000 words (in Times New Roman 12), containing the following information:

  • a) Name of the seminar, name of the student and ID.
  • b) Summary of the seminar.
  • c) Include in the summary information obtained from three publications with a high impact index in the area of study and which are related to the topic proposed in the seminar; and
  • d) Bibliography (according to APA standards) used in the preparation of the report.

The work must be submitted in pdf format.

Late assignments will not be accepted.

Files should be denominated as "Surname_year_seminar title" (e.g. Ramos_2022_On-court testing procedures in basketball).