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Presentation of an oral communication in a non-native language at an International Congress

The doctoral student presents an analysis or synthesis of the research results in the form of an oral communication at an international congress, and in this case, necessarily in a language other than the native language. The doctoral student must comply with the oral communication regulations set by the international congress and have the approval of the thesis director.

Online - Laurea Academic
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Person Responsible or teaching and and Assessment

Dra. Elena Marín Cascales

  • Responsible teacher

Analizar o sintetizar los resultados de una investigación en forma de comunicación oral en un congreso internacional, y en este caso de forma obligatoria en un idioma distinto al nativo.

The coordinator will be responsable for:

  •  Facilitating necessary information so that the student can carry out the activity normally.

The director must:

  •  Assess, together with his/her doctoral student, the suitability of the oral or poster communication, and study the possible international congresses in which this activity could be carried out, taking into consideration that it will be conducted in a language other than the native one.
  •  Review the abstract of the paper before submission.
  •  Review the oral communication before its presentation.

The tutor must:

  •  Validate the activity once it has been performed and the certificate of the communication in an international congress uploaded exclusively in Laurea Academic.

The doctoral student must:

  •  Take the initiative in contacting his/her director and tutor for the development of this activity.
  •  Evaluate, together with his/her director, the suitability of the oral communication, and study the possible international congresses in which it could be carried out, taking into consideration that it will be conducted in a language other than the native one.
  •  Be responsible for the deadlines for the abstract and presentation, set by the international congress.
  •  At the end of the activity, upload directly to Laurea Academic the certificate of the oral communication issued by the international congress where it was given, and where the language of instruction is reflected.

The doctoral student can request activity recognition for oral communications made at an international congress before admission to the program or during the program, with the permission from their supervisors.