(Oral or Poster) Communication in an international congress
The doctoral student presents an analysis or synthesis of the research results in the form of an oral or poster presentation at an international congress in Spanish or English, according to the requirements of the international congress.
The doctoral student must comply with the oral or poster presentation regulations set by the international congress and have the approval of the thesis director.
Doctoral thesis preparation workshop (I)
Participation in a workshop on the institutional style and the formal requirements to be applied for the elaboration of the Doctoral Thesis report, also on the procedure of deposit and defence of the Doctoral Thesis, in the two modalities in which it can be presented: (1) traditional format and (2) Compendium of publications. After the workshop, a task will be carried out, which consists of drawing up a complete index of all the sections of a doctoral thesis, relating them to the subject of the student's doctoral thesis.
Doctoral students may participate in this activity from the second year onwards in the programme in the case of full-time students, and from the third year onwards in the case of part-time students.
Doctoral thesis preparation workshop (II)
Participation in a workshop on the presentation and defence of the Doctoral Thesis: design of didactic presentations to express in a rigorous and enjoyable way the results obtained in their research, training on how to speak in public, academic protocol of the public act of Doctoral Thesis defence and defence protocol in the case of thesis reading with international mention.
After the workshop, a task will be carried out, which consists of making a presentation, summarising the basic contents of the doctoral thesis project in three minutes. Each student must videotape themselves explaining their project and can use a Power point presentation as a support.
Doctoral students may participate in this activity from the second year onwards in the programme in the case of full-time students, and from the third year onwards in the case of part-time students.
International Stay
Research stay in an international institution other than UCAM (University or center outside Spain). Doctoral students will be able to participate in this activity from the second year onwards.
The stay must have a minimum duration of 3 months. The criteria for determining whether the stay is of an international nature will be the place where it is carried out, as indicated in the guidelines for obtaining the International Mention. Thus,:
- A foreign student with a place of residence in his or her home country who carries out a stay in his or her country of origin can validate the stay as International.
National Stay
The activity Research stay must be developed in an institution other than UCAM (Research center or company). It is a mobility stay in a national research center or company.
The doctoral student will voluntarily participate in this activity from the second year of permanence in the program. The stay must have a minimum duration of 2 months. It will be 320 hours over 3 years for full-time students or over 5 years for part-time students.
Presentation of a Paper
This activity will take place during the Doctoral Conference held at the Catholic University of Murcia. It will consist of a presentation of a relevant paper in the area of knowledge that occupies the subject of the Doctoral Thesis under development. This presentation will be in poster or oral communication format.
The relevant paper to be presented may be from external researchers or a publication already published by the PhD student and/or his/her directors.
Presentation of an oral communication in a non-native language at an International Congress
The doctoral student presents an analysis or synthesis of the research results in the form of an oral communication at an international congress, and in this case, necessarily in a language other than the native language. The doctoral student must comply with the oral communication regulations set by the international congress and have the approval of the thesis director.
Presentation of communication (oral or poster) to Congress or National Conference
Presentation of a communication in the form of communication in oral format or poster at a national congress or conference. Prepare an oral communication, or poster type, in Spanish or English, with sufficient quality to be accepted by the scientific committee of a National Congress of its area of knowledge, derived of the own research results obtained in the realization of his doctoral thesis.
The oral communication, or poster, must be signed by the doctoral student, as a doctoral student of the UCAM, and can also be signed by the director or co-directors. The same oral communication, or poster, does not serve to overcome another activity of the program of the same student, or the same activity of another student of the program.
Doctoral students will be able to participate in this activity from the first year of permanence in the doctoral program
Presentation of Research Results
The aim of this activity is for doctoral students to organise, synthesise, analyse and present the results of their research, in order to make them known and receive criticisms and contributions that will enable them to improve and advance their research plan. This activity will allow students to train through the development of applied skills, as well as to demonstrate their ability to communicate with the scientific community about areas of knowledge in the line of research of their doctoral thesis.
The presentation of the research results will coincide with the Doctoral Conferences, where the student must defend this activity.
The certificate obtained at these conferences must be the document to be uploaded to the virtual campus task and subsequently to the doctoral student portal in order to pass the "research results" activity.
For first year students, this assignment requires them to present their "research plan".
This activity is mandatory and must be carried out every year that the student is enrolled in the doctoral programme.
In the case of defending the doctoral thesis before the doctoral conferences, during the final year, the reading and defense of the doctoral thesis will be considered as a presentation of research results.
Research Paper
Presentation of a scientific article to a journal of international prestige, with a high impact index within its area for review, adapted to the standards required by the journal, to submit it to a peer review process. Through carrying out this activity, the doctoral student will learn to organize, analyze and present their own research data for publication in prestigious journals, which will make it easier for them to become familiar with the procedure for preparing and reviewing a scientific article for publication.
Doctoral students must prepare at least one publication of an article of these characteristics during their stay in the program, regardless of the type of dedication (full or partial) that the doctoral student has. To do this, the manuscript must pass the first filter of the review process (that is, the review process begins and is not rejected in the first instance) in a journal of recognized prestige that is included in the SJR databases, JCR or similar (Scopus, Latindex, Dice, In-Recs, etc).