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Admission Criteria and Fees

The admission profile for students who are eligible for the Doctoral programme includes the following degrees or PhDs: Civil, Environmental, Geological and Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Geology and Biotechnology.

Agronomic, structural, mechanical, industrial (depending on the speciality), aerospace, aeronautical, building and architectural engineering, must have level 3 competences of the QF-EHEA (MECES in Spain) related to the programme's lines of research.

This profile will be made public at the beginning of each academic year and will be published on the degree's website.

The requirements for access to Doctoral programmes are established by Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, regulating official Doctoral studies, which establishes that, in order to access said studies, it will be necessary to hold an official bachelor's degree or equivalent, and a university master's degree. Doctoral programmes can also be accessed if any of these other conditions are met:

  • Hold either an official Spanish university degree, or from another country of the EHEA, that qualifies for access to a master's degree. Also you need to have passed a minimum of 300 ETCS credits in official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at master's level.
  • Hold an official Spanish bachelor's degree, the duration of which is at least 300 ECTS in accordance with the regulations in the European law. Said graduates are required to take compulsory complementary training courses, unless the syllabus of the corresponding bachelor's degree includes research training credits, which are equivalent in training value to the research credits from master's degree studies.
  • Hold a degree obtained from a foreign education system, which does not require official recognition, subject to verification by the university confirming that the degree certifies a level of education equivalent to that of the official Spanish university master's degree which allows access to Doctoral studies in the country issuing the degree.
  • Already hold a Spanish Doctoral degree obtained in accordance with previous university regulations.
  • Hold a Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (Diploma of Advanced Studies) obtained in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 778/98, of 30 April, or have passed the Suficiencia Investigadora (Research Aptitude) as regulated by Royal Decree 185/85, of 23 January, through Doctoral programmes linked to the field of Polytechnic Sciences.
  • Have successfully completed at least two years of training in a programme leading to an official qualification in one of the specialisations in Health Sciences, as stipulated in Article 6, c) RD99/2011.

Students who meet the above requirements may be admitted to the Doctoral programme, with the Academic Committee of the programme being responsible for verifying compliance with the above requirements for the admission of the Doctoral student.

In order to fulfil the mandate given by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in November 2013, through the clarifying notification sent to the universities for the correct interpretation of the provisions of section a) of article 6.2. of Royal Decree 99/2011, with regards to regulating the equivalences between LRU and ECTS credits, as well as the assessment criteria for the 60 ECTS credits that must be assessed at master's level for access to Doctoral studies.

The UCAM International Doctoral School (EIDUCAM) in order to assess applications for admission to official Doctoral studies made by those who hold Spanish degrees of segundo ciclo o ciclo largo (graduate level) or prior to those regulated by Royal Decree 1393/2007 (Bachelor, Engineer or Architect Degree determines, through the agreement approved on 18 June 2014, that the Academic Committees of the Doctoral Programmes belonging to the EIDUCAM, will apply the following criteria:

  1. All bachelor, engineer/ and/or architect degrees issued in Spain will be considered -only for the purpose of access to doctoral studies- as 300 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 are at Master level.
  2. In the official university degrees regulated by Royal RD1497/1987 of 27 November 1987, the equivalence of each LRU credit is considered to be equal to one ECTS credit.

All of the above notwithstanding the fact that the Academic Committees of the Doctoral Programmes may assign specific training complements to these graduates as they deem appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of article 7 of Royal Decree 99/2011.

The body that will carry out the admission process is the Academic Committee of the Programme. Students who meet the access requirements will be admitted to the doctoral programme, taking into account the following merits and grading:

  1. The applicant's academic record (bachelor's/graduate/master's degree) or, if applicable, the applicant's doctoral degree must correspond to the entry profile and the lines of research of the doctoral programme.
  2. Students whose native tongue is not Spanish, and who do not have a C1 in Spanish, will have certify a B2 level in English.

The selection criteria are specified below:

  1. Candidate's academic record (65%): Grades in the candidates’ bachelor's or master's degree studies. The application with the highest level of MECES competences will be selected to assess this aspect.
  2. Participation in research activities (projects, publications, conventions or scientific meetings, etc.) (10%).
  3. Training courses (other than the master's degree) related to the research lines of the doctoral programme (10%).
  4. Accreditation of a level of English higher than B1 (10%).
  5. Cover letter (5%): Proposal of thesis supervisor and line of research.

Candidates will be eligible for selection provided they achieve a score of 5 out of 10 in the assessment.

Once the documentation has been submitted, the Academic Committee of the Programme will proceed to the selection of candidates applying the criteria stated above. The admission procedure and criteria of the programme comply with the provisions of Article 6 of Royal Decree 99/2011. Thus, the programme's Academic Committee will ensure that students with special educational needs, derived from disability, have the appropriate support and counselling services and will assess the need for possible curricular adaptations, itineraries or alternative studies.

The Doctoral Programme allows for part-time doctoral studies, in accordance with Royal Decree 99/2011. In these cases, the programme admission criteria will be the same as for full-time students. Students who wish to study this doctoral programme on a part-time basis must apply to the programme's Academic Committee when they submit their application.

Full-time students will have 3 years to deposit their doctoral thesis, while part-time students shall not exceed 5 years.


Pre-enrolment and enrolment


Pre-enrolment period:  

  • Open throughout the academic year.
  • Admission Resolutions will be issued in the months of October and May.