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Training Activities

Bibliographic Search and Analysis

He main databases for bibliographic material are shown, as well as the main impact indexes to measure the quality of the documents. In addition, the PhD student will acquire the ability to cite scientific papers using citation standards such as Vancouver or Harvard style, as well as manage databases to configure bibliographic citations (EndNote and Refworks). PhD students may engage in this activity as soon as they are admitted to the programme.

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Presentation of Research Results

Compulsory annual activity in which the PhD student presents the most relevant research results obtained during the last year. Students will have to give as many presentations as the number of years they are enrolled in the PhD. To pass this annual activity, students can proceed in two ways:

  1. At least once during the duration of their PhD programme, must students participate in the UCAM International Doctoral School annual Doctoral Conference.
  2. The other years students will have to participate in the workshops organised by the academic committee of the PhD programme. The deposit of the PhD thesis may be accepted in order to pass this training activity in the academic year in which it is submitted.
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Research Methodology and Management

Students are familiarised with the techniques and methodology of scientific research. Students are provided with the necessary knowledge to carry out documented and experimental research. The structure of the R+D+i system and the main research grants are presented. PhD students may engage in this activity as soon as they are admitted to the programme.

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Research Stay

Research stay at a national or international institution other than UCAM. PhD students may engage in this activity as of the second year in the programme. The duration of the stay must be at least 3 months.

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Scientific Publications

Presentation of an oral or written communication at a national or international convention and/or publication of a scientific article in a prestigious international journal. The scientific publications accepted as such will be those that are valued by the criteria of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI) for the application for six-year research periods. For example, the publications will have to be indexed in the Journal Citation Index (JCR), Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), Scopus, Class 1, 2 and 3 International Congresses appearing in the GII-GRIN-SCIE (GGS) Conference Rating. This activity cannot be completed with a presentation given at the EIDUCAM Doctoral Conference. PhD students may engage in this activity as soon as they are admitted to the programme.

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Participation in a total of 7 research seminars organised by the different research groups, in which the results obtained in the different lines of research linked to the programme are discussed. PhD students may engage in this activity as soon as they are admitted to the programme. These seminars will be offered in both the on-site as well as on-line modalities, the latter via the Virtual Campus tools.

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Statistics and Analysis of Results

Introduction to statistical concepts and methods, with emphasis on exploratory analysis of univariate and bivariate data, sampling and experimental designs, basic probability models, one-sample hypothesis testing and estimation, and two-sample comparative studies. The internships will be carried out through the SPSS programme and PhD students may engage in this activity as soon as they are admitted to the programme.

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Workshop on Doctoral Thesis Writing

Participation in a workshop on the writing of a doctoral thesis. PhD students may engage in this activity as of the first year in the programme. However, we recommend students do so from the second year onwards in the case of full-time students, and from the third year onwards in the case of part-time students. These seminars will be offered in both the on-site as well as on-line modalities, the latter via the Virtual Campus tools.

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Writing and Publication of a Scientific Paper

Students will learn about the different types of scientific texts, their structure, as well as detailed information on style and writing. Knowledge is acquired regarding the process of publishing a scientific paper and its dissemination. PhD students may engage in this activity as soon as they are admitted to the programme.

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