- Anthropology, Humanities, Moral and Religious Sciences
- Communication, Technologies, and Audiences
- Law
- Economy and Business
- Literature and Linguistics
- Education, Society and Health
Syllabus by Line of Research
1. Anthropology, Humanities, Moral and Religious Sciences
Dr. José Palacios Ramírez
- Contemporary forms of production of subjectivity; Addictions and therapeutic programs; Contemporary social theory; Ethnographic methodology and qualitative research techniques.
- Contemporary social theory; Ethnographic methodology and qualitative research techniques.
- Globalization processes and political economy
- Social exclusion and vulnerability
Dr. Juan Ramón Carbó García
- History of the High Roman Empire (23 B.C. - 235 A.D.) -Foreign policy -Ideology of power -Barbarian peoples
- Transmissions, receptions and appropriations of the Antiquity
- History of Romania and Romanian historiography on the history of Dacia, the Dacians and the Gethas
- Study of the catastrophic phenomena in the Antiquity and Late Antiquity
Dr. José Mª Sesé Alegre
- History of the Hispanic Worlds (XVI-XX centuries)
- History and Cinema. International Chair of Cinema of the UCAM.
Dra. Patricia Gutiérrez Rivas
- History of the Hispanic Worlds (XVI-XX centuries)
Dr. José Jesús García Hourcade
- History of Charitable Assistance in the Modern Age
- History of Ecclesiastical Institutions in the Modern Age
- History of the Region of Murcia in the Modern Age
Dr. Desiderio Parrilla Martínez
- Philosophy: Studies on René Girard
Dra. Práxedes Muñoz Sánchez
- Anthropology and Society
- Education, development and immigration
- Development of indigenous peoples in Mesoamerica
Dr. Ángel Martínez Sánchez
- Philosophy: Aristotelian Metaphysics
Dr. Miguel Pablo Sancho Gómez
- History of the Roman Army
- History of the Lower Roman Empire
- Study of the catastrophic phenomena in the Antiquity and Late Antiquity
Dr. Francisco Cobo de Guzmán Godino
- Modernity and power: anthropological perspectives
- Anthropology and heritage
- Economic anthropology and political economy
Dr. David Villar Vegas
- History and Religion of Ancient Israel: From the origins to the fall of the Second Temple.
- Canon of the Hebrew Bible and the Old and New Testaments.
- History and Religions of the Near East and Egypt in the Ancient Ages.
- History of Ancient Christianity.
Dr. Diego Sánchez Alcolea
- New Testament studies and Hebrew background.
- Translation of Semitic texts.
- Philosophy and Music. Reciprocity and means of transmission of ideas.
2. Communication, Technologies, and Audiences
Dr. José Manuel Noguera Vivo
- Networks and journalism
- Design and development of new digital media
- Economics of participation
Dra. Beatriz Correyero Ruiz
- Radio communication
- Tourism communication
- Innovation in communication
Dr. Ángel Pablo Cano Gómez
- Audiovisual Narrative
- Fiction
- Political and institutional communication
Dr. Blas José Subiela Hernández
- Semiotics of design
- Brand design
- Typographies
Dr. Jesús Martínez Sánchez
- Children's marketing
- Branding and brand management
- Organizational communication
Dr. Enrique Arroyas Langa
- Journalistic rhetoric and argumentation
- Journalistic genres
- Public opinion
Dra. Isabel Sarabia Andúgar
- Communication industries
- Cultural industries
- Regional audiovisual
Dra. María Socorro Arroyo Cabello
- History of communication
- Cybermedia
- The press in Murcia
Dra. Josefina Sánchez Martínez
- Transmedia Narratives
- Local and regional audiovisual
- Audio description
Dr. Pablo Salvador Blesa Aledo
- International Relations
- Institutional Communication
- Political Communication
Dr. Salvador Alejandro Hernández Martínez
- Public Relations
- Protocol Studies
- Public Relations Teaching
Dra. María del Mar Rodríguez Rosell
- Communication and Minors
- Media Literacy
- Educommunication
Dr. Juan Antonio Marín Albaladejo
- Political communication and public opinion
- Framing Theory
- Political journalism, scandals and media
Dra. Laura Herrero Ruiz
- Digital communication and advertising
- Social networks and influencers
- Experiential events
Dra. Isabel María García González
- Information on television
- Human capital and television
- University radio
Dr. Juan Francisco Hernández Pérez
- Video games
- Videoludic environments and interactivity
- Ludonarrative and transmedia
Dr. Pedro Luis Pérez Díaz
- Digital journalism
- Discourse and conversation in networks
- Citizen participation in media
Dr. Miguel Ángel Martínez Díaz
- New audiovisual consumption habits.
- Cinematographic post-production.
- Audiovisual production and realization.
Dr. Sergio Albaladejo Ortega
- Transmedia narratives
- Cinematic fiction and non-fiction
- Transmedia literacy
3. Law
Dr. César Augusto Giner Alegría
- Criminology and Victimology.
Dr. José María Coello de Portugal Martínez del Peral
- Constitutional Law
Dra. María Mendez Rocasolano
- Constitutional and Environmental Law
Dr. José Ruiz Espinosa
- Business Law
Dr. José María Caballero Salinas
- Criminal Law
Dr. Alejandro Zornoza Somolinos
- Liability arising from the use of new technologies
Dra. Miriam Judit Gómez Romero
- Corporate due diligence on human rights: a look at labor law and environmental sustainability.
Dr. Francisco José Aranda Serna
- New Technologies and Communication Law
Dr. Carlos Teruel Fernández
- Labor and Employment Law
Dra. Silvia Fuensanta Durán Alonso
- Civil Law
Dr. Helena Moreno Galán
- Canon and Church Law
Dr. Simone Rosati
- History of Law
Dr. Pablo Miró Colmenárez
- Analysis of food policy from the perspective of international and European Union law.
Dra. Milagros Piedad López Martínez
- Specific forms of criminality
Dr. Sergio Murcia Orenes
- Penitentiary Law
Dr. Jaime Luis Sánchez Vizcaíno Rodríguez
- Business Law
Dr. Rafael García García
- Occupational Risk Prevention
Dra. Isabel María Pérez Gázquez
- Labor and Social Security Law
4. Economy and Business
Dr. Gonzalo Wandosell Fernandez De Bobadilla
- Strategic direction
Dra. María Concepción Parra Meroño
- Consumer behavior
- Sectorial marketing
- Educational innovation in economics and business
Dra. Mercedes Carmona Martínez
- Adoption and diffusion of innovations
- Educational innovation in economics and business
Dra. María Pilar Flores Asenjo
- Environmental economics
- Sustainable behavior
- Environmental valuation
Dra. Carmen María Martínez Franco
- Efficiency analysis
- Accounting history
- Social economics
Dra. Laura Campoy Gómez
- Knowledge management technologies and models
- In-company training models and implementation
- Business Intelligence and Information Systems
Dr. Ángel Meseguer Martínez
- Clusters of companies
- Innovation management
- Science and technology parks
Dra. Rocío Arteaga Sánchez
- Educational innovation in economics and business
- Consumer behavior
- Use of online social networks in business and education
- Collaborative economy
Dr. Miguel Ángel Beltrán Bueno
- Consumer Behavior
- Tourism Marketing
Dra. María Dolores Gil Quiles
- Economic and social impacts of tourism
- Contribution of tourism to local development
- Elaboration of indicators to measure the social and economic impact of tourism development.
Dr. Jorge López Carratalá
- Tourism, environment and climate change
- Geography, society and territory
- Geographic information systems in social sciences
- Tourism, cooperation and local development
- Language tourism
Dra. Mª Pilar Barra Hernández
- Consumer Behavior
- Marketing
Dra. Ginesa Martínez del Vas
- Tourism Policy
- Strategic Tourism Planning
- Tourism Destination Management
Dra. Isabel Ros Clemente
- Disability and discrimination
- Labor insertion
- Social Inclusion
Dr. Nicolás Gonzálvez Gallego
- Information systems in organizations
- Technological innovation for knowledge and information management.
Dr. Manuel Egea Medrano
- Corporate diplomacy of internationalized sports companies
- Communication Management in Sports Companies
- Sports Marketing and Branding
Dra. Vita Zhukova
- Experimental economics and behavioral economics
Dra. Laura Nieto Torrejón
- Analysis of efficiency in higher education based on non-parametric techniques.
- Study of the higher education sector in Europe from an economic perspective.
Dr. Eduardo Gómez Melero
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Financing of economies
- The distributist economic model
Dra. María Dolores Aledo Ruiz
- Knowledge Management
- Human Resources Management
- Entrepreneurship
Dra. Claudia Aguirre Megía
- Consumer behavior
- Communication in social networks
Dra. María Dolores García Pérez
- The effect of cannibalism on business localization
- Economic impact of the location of tourism services and activities.
- Tourism in regional economic analysis
Dr. Juan Victor Meseguer Sánchez
- Social innovation
- Social responsibility and innovation
Dra. Raquel Puente Castro
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation
- Marketing resources and capabilities
Dr. Miguel Puig Cabrera
- Development and socioeconomic growth. Objective and subjective perspectives of well-being.
- Sustainable tourism for the fulfillment of global goals. Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals.
- Evaluation of public policies for social welfare.
Dra. Carmen María Carrillo González
- Consumer Behavior
- Neuromarketing
- Sensory marketing
- Internal communication
Dra. Nina Pallarés Cerdá
- Health economics
- Family economics
Dra. Celia Blanco Jiménez
- Experimental economics
- Behavioral economics
Dra. Concepción González García
- Macroeconomics
- Economics and International Trade
- Labor Market
Dra. Juana María Padilla Piernas
- Social networks
- Lodging and tourism
5. Literature and Linguistics
Dr. Thomas Hans Schmidt
- Needs analysis and teacher improvement proposals for bilingual programs.
- Specific needs of groups of students in bilingual education.
- Self-perceived and externally assessed knowledge of foreign languages (English)
Dr. Antonio José Miralles Pérez
- Construction of individual and collective identities in the historical novel.
- Adventures and heroism in juvenile literature
- Recreations of the Middle Ages in works of fiction
Dr. José María Mesa Villar
- Pictorial-literary relationships
- Women in Victorian literature and society.
- Relations between literature and cinema (film adaptation)
- Arthurian Romance
Dra. Patricia Coloma Peñate
- 20th century American literature and culture - minorities specialty
- Popular culture and women's studies
- Space and identity studies, trauma and language in American literature.
Dra. Elisa Teresa Munizza
- Contemporary Hispanic American Literature
- Comparative Literature
- Italian Literature
- Dante Alighieri and his reception in Spanish and Latin American literature
Dr. Benoît Filhol
- French Literature
- Contemporary Spanish-American Literature
- Comparative Literature
- Didactics of foreign language, culture and literature.
Dra. Ana Isabel García Abellán
- Theoretical and applied linguistics in second and foreign language teaching.
Bilingual teaching:
- Perception studies (teachers, students and parents).
- Design of CLIL/EFL materials and reading and writing in English.
- Innovation in bilingual teaching: teacher training, translanguaging.
- Educational policies and curriculum design in CLIL.
Dra. Katarzyna Anna Nowak
- Neology and code-mixing in journalistic and/or advertising discourse.
- Reception, attitudes and understanding of neology and borrowings in the press.
Dra. Alba María Gálvez Vidal
- Discourse analysis
- Contrastive phraseology
- Spanish postwar narrative
- Literary translation and comparative literature from a gender perspective
Dr. Antonio Candeloro
- Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature
- Spanish Literature of the Golden Age
- Didactics of the Spanish Language and Literature
- Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature
Dr. Alejandro Jacobo Egea
- Spanish and Novo-Hispanic Literature of the Baroque (XVII century)
- Luis de Góngora and his reception in Spanish-American Literature
- Contemporary Spanish and Hispano-American poetry.
- Cognitive Poetics
6. Educaction, Society and Health
Dr. Rosendo Berengui Gil
- Psychology and sociology of physical education and sport.
- Personality and individual differences
Dra. María del Pilar Vílchez Conesa
- Physical education, physical activity and health promotion.
- Childhood and adolescent variables that influence the prediction of future physical activity practice.
- Diet, BMI, physical activity and active life style
- Psychomotor skills and school health
Dra. Marina Iniesta Sepúlveda
- Meta-analysis
- Obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders in children and adolescents.
- Intellectual disability
Dra. Lina Tomás Pastor
- Learning strategies and techniques
- Orientation and university tutoring
- Education of affectivity and character
Dra. Josefa A. Antón Ruiz
- Prevention of health risk behaviors in adolescents and university students through the analysis of predisposing factors (personality variables, self-concept, self-efficacy, etc.).
- Analysis of psychosocial variables and their relationship with academic variables.
Dr. Xavier Lorente Guerrero
- Teaching-Learning in TiC's
- Intergenerational Relationships (grandparents-grandchildren)
- Education and learning with adults-seniors
Dr. David Jiménez Hernández
- Teaching-Learning in TiC's
- Intergenerational Relationships (grandparents-grandchildren)
- Education and learning with adults-seniors
- Educational methods, Attention to diversity
- Information and Communication Technologies applied to Education
- Values and Education
- Educational innovation and teacher training
- Educational processes and contexts (teaching methodologies, specific didactics)
- Education, values and media
Dra. Práxedes Muñoz Sánchez
- Qualitative research: action research, ethnographic research, collaborative research (dialogue of knowledge and decolonization of knowledge).
- Processes of educational exclusion (absenteeism, attention to diversity, migration, multiculturalism, violence) and inclusive education strategies. Interculturality
- Migratory processes in today's society
- Gender perspective (identity, migration, violence, social organization).
- Development cooperation and community identity: emerging community processes and concepts of citizenship (Latin America, Africa and Europe).
- Anthropology of fishing
Dr. Francisco Jose Sanchez Marin
- Educational methods, Attention to diversity
- Information and Communication Technologies applied to Education
- Values and Education
Dra. Isabel López Chicheri
- Psychosocial variables related to chronic disease processes.
Dr. Miguel Pablo Sancho Gómez
- Didactics of History and Leadership
- Didactics of Religions, Philosophy and Philosophy of History
- Didactics of Art and Art History
Dr. Enrique Mena García
- Didactics of History and Leadership
- Didactics of Religions, Philosophy and Philosophy of History
- Didactics of Art and Art History
Dra. María Belén Blesa Aledo
- Sociology of the body
- Education and society
Dr. Antonio Candeloro
- Language
- Literature
- Didactics of Spanish language and literature
- Reading promotion
Dr. Juan Jose Gonzalez Ortiz
- Educational innovation and teacher training
- Educational processes and contexts (teaching methodologies, specific didactics).
- Education, values and media
Dra. María Tornel Abellán
- Pedagogy
- Education and Society
- Values and Communication
- Educational innovation and teacher training
Dra. Micaela Bunes Portillo
- Pedagogy
- Education and Society
- Values and Communication
- Educational innovation and teacher training
Dra. Isabel Mengual Luna
- Attention to disability in the educational environment
- Social and occupational inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.
- Typical and atypical language development
Dra. Patricia Gutiérrez Rivas
- Research and innovation in social sciences didactics
- ICT in the teaching of Social Sciences
- Teaching innovation and teacher training
Dra. Loida López Mondéjar
- School coexistence
- School, family and media
Dr. José Antonio Ortí Martínez
- Leadership and values
- Educational leadership and learning organizations
- Educational innovation and teacher training
Dr. José Manuel Azorín Delegido
- Didactics of music
- The music of the audiovisual media
- Innovation in music didactics
Dra. Elisa Isabel Sánchez Romero
- Motivation, values, attitudes and behavior in sport.
- Violence and harassment at school: bullying, cyberbullying and violence towards teachers.
Dra. Mª Ángeles Castejón Martínez
- TCA, personality, anxiety and stress
- Organic Bases of language and hearing
- Language and communication disorders
Dr. Alfonso López Ruiz
- Music Therapy
- Music and interdisciplinarity
- Psychoeducational contexts and interventions
- Health education
Dr. Francisco Cobo de Guzmán Godino
- Interculturality and globalization
- Anthropology of education
Dr. Francisco Salcedo Arias
- Management and direction of educational centers
Dra. Verónica Alcaraz Muñoz
- Sports games and emotional experience in physical education
- Interpersonal relationships in physical education (social inclusion and gender equality).
- Study of decision making in game situations.
- Physical education in the natural environment and its incidence with emotional wellbeing