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Give a presentation at a Convention / National Congress

Giving an oral or poster presentation at a National Convention or Congress (this could be at the annual Doctoral Conference organised by EIDUCAM, provided that the PhD student attends the convention). PhD students may engage in this activity as soon as they are admitted to the programme. It is estimated that the preparation of the presentation and attendance to the convention will take approximately 5 days of work for the student. Each PhD student, guided by their supervisor/s, will study the offer of National Conventions/Congresses of interest to their area of knowledge. Before deciding to participate in an event, you must have the approval of your supervisor(s).

Online - Laurea Academic

Person Responsible or teaching and and Assessment

Dra. María Estrella Núñez Delicado

  • Head of Teaching

Attend at least one international convention or congress during the 3 or 5 years of the programme full-time or part-time student, and present an oral or poster communication.

Participation in this type of event will be approved when the PhD student presents the certificate of attendance and participation in the form of an oral or poster presentation, issued for this purpose by the Organising Committee of the National Convention. The certificate must be uploaded to the activity enabled on LAUREA ACADEMIC and will subsequently be validated by the student's tutor. Procedure: After the participation at the National Convcention, the PhD student must upload the certificate of the given presentation, issued for this purpose by the Organising Committee of the event, to the corresponding activity on LAUREA ACADEMIC. This certificate will be the proof of completion of the activity (not the poster or oral presentation). The learner's tutor will visualise and evaluate the assignment.

An ORAL OR POSTER PRESENTATION on a topic related to the development of the student's thesis, which the student completed prior to admission to the PhD programme, may be presented at a national convention/congress. To do so, the documentation described above must be uploaded on LAUREA ACADEMIC and the tutor will evaluate and validate said documentation if necessary.