Participation in a workshop on the writing and defence of a PhD thesis. PhD students may engage in this activity as soon as they are admitted to the programme. The estimated time commitment of the student will be 5 hours over 3 years for full-time students and 5 years for part-time students.
Via the virtual campus platform, PhD students will be provided with didactic material and associated tasks on the university's specific rules for the writing of the thesis, as well as on the preparation of didactic presentations and how to speak in public.
Students will have access to the didactic material and proposed tasks through the virtual campus platform. The student must complete the established tasks in order to pass the activity. Assignments submitted via the virtual campus platform will be assessed. The workshop can be held at the student's convenience. Description of the procedure for completion of the activity on the virtual campus. Upload the task that was requested by the teacher in the assignment corresponding to the activity on the virtual campus. The teacher will evaluate it as a PASS or a FAIL. The person in charge of the activity will correct the requested task and issue a certificate of successful completion of the activity. The student must upload the certificate to the corresponding activity on LAUREA. Evaluation report: The tutor will be in charge of validating whether or not the activity has been passed on LAUREA.
The activity may be passed if the student holds either the DEA title (Research Proficiency) or PhD degree. Therefore, the corresponding certificates must be uploaded on LAUREA ACADEMIC, and the tutor will evaluate and validate them if necessary.
Datos personales
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