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National Stay

The activity Research stay must be developed in an institution other than UCAM (Research center or company). It is a mobility stay in a national research center or company.

The doctoral student will voluntarily participate in this activity from the second year of permanence in the program. The stay must have a minimum duration of 2 months. It will be 320 hours over 3 years for full-time students or over 5 years for part-time students.

Online - Campus Virtual
Presentation date
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Person Responsible or teaching and and Assessment

Dr. Alberto Castillo Diaz

  • Responsible teacher

El objetivo de esta actividad es ampliar los conocimientos del doctorando en su área de conocimiento o transferir conocimiento al tejido productivo. Por otra parte, con esta actividad se fomenta en el doctorando el trabajo en equipo y la integración en grupos de trabajo multidisciplinares, además de la colaboración con otros investigadores de su área de conocimiento.

The person responsible for this activity will be in charge of:

  • Providing all the necessary information so that the student can carry out the activity normally.

The director must:

  • Assess, together with his/her doctoral student, the suitability of carrying out this type of stay, and study the possible centers where this activity could be carried out.
  • Before deciding to participate in this activity, the doctoral student must have the approval of his or her director and the letter of acceptance from the host institution.
  • The criterion to determine if the stay is of national character will be the nationality and place of residence of the student. For example, an Italian student with residence in Italy may carry out a national stay in the country mentioned, however, if he/she justifies that his/her place of residence is in Spain, the national stay must be in that country.
  • The University has a call, open on a permanent basis by means of which it may totally or partially subsidize stays in research centers other than UCAM (

The tutor must:

  • Check the delivery of the Letter of Acceptance of stay by the destination center; certificate accrediting the stay, issued by the head of the group in which the stay has been carried out; and memory of the activities carried out (control of the activity via virtual campus).

The doctoral student must:

  • Take the initiative in the contacts with his/her director and tutor for the development of this activity.
  • Evaluate, together with his/her director, the suitability of carrying out this type of internship, and study the possible centers in which it could be carried out.
  • At the end of the stay, upload to Laurea Academic the certificate of the stay issued by the center where it was carried out, together with a short report explaining all the academic activities carried out during the stay, signed by the tutor responsible at the destination center.

This activity is not recognizable for stays carried out before admission to the program or for stays carried out during the program, but not authorized by the Academic Committee.