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Presentation of communication (oral or poster) to Congress or National Conference

Presentation of a communication in the form of communication in oral format or poster at a national congress or conference. Prepare an oral communication, or poster type, in Spanish or English, with sufficient quality to be accepted by the scientific committee of a National Congress of its area of knowledge, derived of the own research results obtained in the realization of his doctoral thesis.

The oral communication, or poster, must be signed by the doctoral student, as a doctoral student of the UCAM, and can also be signed by the director or co-directors. The same oral communication, or poster, does not serve to overcome another activity of the program of the same student, or the same activity of another student of the program.

Doctoral students will be able to participate in this activity from the first year of permanence in the doctoral program

Online - Laurea Academic
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Person Responsible or teaching and and Assessment

Dr. Juan Alfonso Garcia Roca

  • Responsible teacher

El objetivo de esta actividad es que el doctorando analice y sintetice parte de los resultados de investigación obtenidos, con el fin de elaborar una comunicación tipo oral o póster, con la suficiente calidad para ser aceptado por el comité científico de un congreso nacional de su área de conocimiento.

The person responsible for this activity will be in charge of:

  • Providing all the necessary information so that the student can carry out the activity normally.

The supervisor must:

  • Guide the development of the activity by the student within the framework of the monitoring of the completion of his/her doctoral thesis.

The tutor must:

  • Guide the development of the activity by the student, within the framework of their training process and the monitoring of the completion of their Doctoral Thesis; and confirm their passing, both in the final annual report, and in the report for the thesis deposit.

The doctoral student must:

  • Register in Laurea Academic the certificate accrediting the completion of this training activity.

This activity is recognizable by the Academic Committee. for presentations to National Congresses made before admission to the Program, provided that the communication or poster presented derives from the results of own research obtained in the realization of your doctoral thesis. Therefore, the recognition must be requested from the tutor always after the registration of the Thesis Project.