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Research Paper

Presentation of a scientific article to a journal of international prestige, with a high impact index within its area for review, adapted to the standards required by the journal, to submit it to a peer review process. Through carrying out this activity, the doctoral student will learn to organize, analyze and present their own research data for publication in prestigious journals, which will make it easier for them to become familiar with the procedure for preparing and reviewing a scientific article for publication.

Doctoral students must prepare at least one publication of an article of these characteristics during their stay in the program, regardless of the type of dedication (full or partial) that the doctoral student has. To do this, the manuscript must pass the first filter of the review process (that is, the review process begins and is not rejected in the first instance) in a journal of recognized prestige that is included in the SJR databases, JCR or similar (Scopus, Latindex, Dice, In-Recs, etc).

Online - Laurea Academic
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Person Responsible or teaching and and Assessment

Dra. Gemma María Gea García

  • Responsible teacher

El objetivo de esta actividad es que el doctorando organice, sintetice, analice y presente resultados propios de su investigación para su publicación en revistas de reconocido índice de impacto a nivel internacional, recogidas en el JCR, SJR o bases similares de relevancia en el área (i.e., Scopus, Latindex, Dice, In-Recs, etc.). Esta actividad permitirá al doctorando familiarizarse con el procedimiento de elaboración y revisión de un artículo científico para su publicación en revistas de impacto.

The person responsible for this activity will be in charge of:

  • Carry out the pertinent verification that allows accrediting the activity overcoming or not.

The supervisor must:

  • Providing all the necessary information so that the student can carry out the activity normally.
  • Guide the development of the activity by the student within the framework of the monitoring of the completion of his/her doctoral thesis.

The tutor must:

  • Guiar el desarrollo de la actividad por parte del alumno, en el marco de su proceso formativo como parte del seguimiento necesario a realizar para completar las actividades que son necesarias para proceder con la tesis doctoral; y confirmar su superación en Laurea, tanto en el informe final anual, como en el informe para el depósito de tesis.
  • Guide the development of the activity by the student, within the framework of their training process as parto f the necessary follow-up to complete the activities that are necessary to proceed with their doctoral thesis; and confirm their passing, both in the final annual report, and in the report for the thesis deposit.

The doctoral student must:

  • Carry out the task and upload it to the Laurea platform in the corresponding activity tab labeled "Scientific article".
  • In addition, the position occupied by the student in this activity must be taken into account, and this position must be relevant and associated with the specific tasks of the activity.
  • Finally, in the case of two or more PhD students signing an article, it must be taken into account that the article is only valid and counts for a single student as an element of justification for the activity. The same article cannot be used by several authors inscribed in the doctoral programme to overcome this activity.
  • To pass the task, the files to register in Laurea Academic are:
    • Acceptance document of the article by the editor of the journal if the manuscript has been accepted for publication.
    • If the article is not accepted, the journal's evaluation reports on the article must be provided, or notification by the journal's electronic platform that the article is in the review process.
    • In both cases, a printed copy of the article must be provided.
      • For an accepted article: a printed copy of the published article or its justification for being in the press. If the article is in press, the acceptance certificate issued by the journal is required.
      • For a review article: a copy of the submitted manuscript, in which the adaptations and specific format of the journal to which the article has been submitted are evidenced.

This activity is not recognisable by the Academic Committee.