Presentation Research Results to the Academic Committee of the Programme
Presentation of own research results and planning of research activities for the following year, before the Academic Committee of the Program. A Presentation of Results activity will be carried out each year of permanence in the program, following the attached model, which must be signed by the director(s). It shall be submitted between June 15 and July 15 of the corresponding academic year. Those students who are going to deposit the thesis must submit the Presentation of Own Results to the Academic Committee of the Program before proceeding to the deposit, at any time during the academic year. For students who are going to deposit the thesis, the last draft of the thesis may be submitted as the last memory of PRESENTATION OF OWN RESULTS TO THE ACADEMIC COMMITTEE OF THE PROGRAM. For incoming students, who have not obtained results of their research, this report may coincide with the report of their Research Plan, provided that it has been previously enrolled in Laurea.
Person Responsible or teaching and and Assessment
- To be able to present and discuss research results.
- Be able to plan the experiments to be performed taking into account the results obtained so far and the current literature.